Gum Saver
At Home Treatment And Prevention
We are all about prevention here at this practice – so much so that the practice owner Dr Mostafa designed a brush specifically to combat and prevent that dreaded Gum disease!
At the very least it can cause bad breath, but it can also result in tooth loss and lead to medical complications such as heart disease and diabetes. As part of your tailored oral hygiene routine, GumSaver acts like a vital organ in ensuring that nasty bacteria is kept away from harms reach.
Unlike traditional brushing aids, the bristles on the GumSaver brush are angled specifically to directly target those hard to reach areas. Instead of bunching up at the end they gently sweep in give your gums a clear out of all the horrible stuff that gives rise to the toxins that cause gum disease and bad breath.
This brush isn’t just approved by dentists – it was invented by one!