C-Fast Tooth Straightening

C-fast braces are a new innovative system that combines aspects of the traditional methods of straightening teeth but boasts a modern twist! The system itself consists of tooth coloured plastic brackets that are bonded to the teeth using a resin.

Once the brackets are bonded a tooth coloured Nickel Titanium wire gently pushes and pulls the teeth back into alignment and is fixed in place using clear elastic bands. Because the system only concentrates on the teeth in your smile line it usually only takes between 3-6 months to straighten your teeth.

Here at Dentistry at the Gallery in Leamington Spa we use a straightforward, minimally invasive treatment called C-fast. This system uses discreet, tooth coloured brackets and white Nickel titanium wire to gently move teeth back into alignment, often in less than six months!

Interested?  Why not book in for a free consultation and find out if its right for you?